Tuesday, July 22, 2014

A mid Summer morning and it's beauty~~

Going out early this morning, there was a cool breeze and I picked Beans and zucchini out of our Garden~~The Birds were happily singing and enjoying the cool wind~~Later on  it was a different story~~so hot~~We cooked beets out on the burner in the garage~~Might say the Summer Kitchen~~Also Richard did up more corn. Will taste so good this winter and we will remember the heat from this day
My First Dahlia's are beginning to bloom. These make me think back  many yrs, when My Grandad and Ma would take their glads and dahlia to the state fair and would win all kinds of ribbons with their beauty~~

1 comment:

  1. Wow, your Dahlias are gorgeous! They are just annuals in UT. I usually plant some because I love them so much, but didn't get any in this year. One year I planted Dinner Plate Dahlias and they were gorgeous! Hope it cools down for you. We are having perfect weather here in Napa for our vacation. I will have beets waiting for me to do when I get home.
