Friday, April 26, 2013

Saying Hello to May!!!

 Such a beautiful sunset~~~~
April brought  lots of showers for May flowers~~~ready for some warm days to plant some~~Have lots of plans ~ got a lot of weeds and brush trimmed last week!!! Was good to be outside~~ April has  been full of special activities~~50th wedding anniversary  for our Sister and her Husband!!Such a nice celebration with lots of Richard's brothers and sisters and family.  Ten kids in the family, so when we all get together it is a bunch~~ We celebrate our Granddaughters prom tomorrow~~Her Senior year. Sun will be my "Sister/cousins Retirement party~~ She is such a special lady and I hope we can spend summer days together!! Mon will be our Girls 18th birthday!!!Then May brings another milestone for us all~~She graduates from High School and will be making plans to go off to UMKC to college~~ Time does not wait on us~~~Enjoy each day with all its blessings~~~~~

1 comment:

  1. Love you! Your month sounds full! The sunset is beautiful!
